Bettabods hCG Diet tips

Bettabods have put together some diet tips that will assist you in being successful whilst on our Protocol.


Never get too hungry:
This is a primary diet tip:  You make poor decisions when your judgment is compromised. Hunger is an urge that’s difficult to deny. When you’re famished, it’s hard to hold off until you can find healthy food. As a result, you end up eating anything that’s not nailed down, and then regret it. Planning your meals and snacks works wonders to head off the hunger that can do a number on your best intentions to eat right. Always eat healthy snacks, such as a hard-boiled egg, a Greek yogurt, or your portion of fruit.
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Baked cauliflower wraps with chicken, spinach and mozarella

A super alternative to the norm, it is simply delicious and far from the norm, healthy as well as being nice and filling too

For the filling:
300g organic spinach leaves, washed and trimmed
200g mozarella cheese, grated
125g cooked chicken, shredded
1 garlic clove, crushed
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
4 Woolworths CarbClever cauliflower wraps
coconut oil for greasing
½ cup low fat plain yoghurt

Preheat the oven to 200°C. To make the filling, roughly chop the spinach and steam until tender. When cool enough to handle, squeeze out all the moisture. Chop finely, then mix with the mozarella, chicken and garlic. Season to taste.
Place a little filling on one side of each wrap, then fold over the other side. Place on a greased baking tray or dish, pour over the yoghurt. Bake for 15 minutes, or until golden.

Baked cauliflower wraps with chicken, spinach and mozarella

A super alternative to the norm, it is simply delicious and far from the norm, healthy as well as being nice and filling too

For the filling:
300g organic spinach leaves, washed and trimmed
200g mozarella cheese, grated
125g cooked chicken, shredded
1 garlic clove, crushed
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
4 Woolworths CarbClever cauliflower wraps
coconut oil for greasing
½ cup low fat plain yoghurt

Preheat the oven to 200°C. To make the filling, roughly chop the spinach and steam until tender. When cool enough to handle, squeeze out all the moisture. Chop finely, then mix with the mozarella, chicken and garlic. Season to taste.
Place a little filling on one side of each wrap, then fold over the other side. Place on a greased baking tray or dish, pour over the yoghurt. Bake for 15 minutes, or until golden.

Bettabods hCG Diet

The Bettabods hCG Diet “Weight Loss for Life”

There are a number of reasons that contribute to being overweight, and none of them are particularly easy to conquer. For some it may be hereditary, while for others it could be caused by a stressful or sedentary lifestyle. If you find yourself either wanting or needing to lose weight, the Bettabods hCG diet is an effective alternative that delivers outstanding results. The hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) diet is a revolutionary weight loss plan that is able to provide rapid yet sustainable and safe weight loss effects.

The Bettabods hCG diet plan here combines a LCD (low calorie diet) and hCG injections or hCG drops. This minimally invasive diet reduces your food intake to 800 calories a day, which can result in the loss of up to ½ a kilogram per day. During the diet, your metabolism is reset, which paves the way for sustainable long-term weight loss.

The hCG hormone produced by women during pregnancy is linked to the natural suppression of one’s appetite. The unique effects of this diet plan decreases the sensation of hunger, depression, moodiness, as well as fatigue. The benefits of an hCG-hormone diet also extend past weight management.

About the Bettabods hCG Diet 

The Bettabods Hormonal Slimming program is a modern take on the program which was originally developed by Dr. Simeons, who devoted much of his life to finding a cure for weight loss. In recent years there have been many adjustments to the original protocol. Currently Bettabods follows a protocol that was created by an endocrinologist in America who has experience in treating metabolic disorders.

This makes the Bettabods protocol one of the most successful slimming aids available on the market, although we prefer to refer to it as a “lifestyle shift” rather than a diet simply because at the end of the day that is what it amounts to. It teaches you to eat healthily, and how to re-introduce certain food groups into your diet once you have completed the first 2 phases of this easy to follow 4 phase protocol.

The main objective of the protocol is to raise Leptin levels in your system. Leptin is a hormone that is formed in your fat cells and controls your entire “fat-metabolism”. It is also responsible for the control of hunger and cravings. If your LEPTIN level is LOW your body tends to store food as fat and you don’t feel satisfied easily. With the use of daily injections or oral drops and following the specific diet protocol it causes your body to attack the abnormal fat deposits whilst leaving the structural fat and fat reserves in place to keep your body healthy. This process mobilizes the abnormal fat into the blood stream to be burned off as energy and puts anywhere from 1500 to 1800 calories in your system per day. This allows you to utilize a low calorie diet while still maintaining your strength and energy levels.

When a person who is overweight tries to lose weight by implementing a low calorie diet without the use of hCG, the dieter will first lose normal fat reserves followed by the burning of structural fat. Both of these two types of fat are essential in our bodies. Lastly the body finally starts to burn abnormal fat (bad fat). Once this happens, the dieter will begin to feel weak and hungry until the dieter finally gives up. Worst of all, if there are signs of weight loss, it is usually not in the desired areas (hips, belly, chin, arms, thighs and buttocks) the good fat is diminished and the bad fat stays.

With the use of hCG and our diet protocol, you can start burning abnormal fat immediately while leaving the structural fat reserves in place to keep your body healthy. Reports show an average loss of ½ kg per day. The most amazing part is seeing those inches melt away as the abnormal fat deposits begin to disappear. Clients report an improvement in complexion, a drop in high blood pressure, and even a reduction in wrinkles.

The protocol and eating plan is about more than just losing weight and looking good on the outside. It is about changing how our bodies feel on the inside, thereby avoiding or reversing the lifestyle diseases that will make you feel tired, age you and steal your health.

The Bettabods Protocol can be used by men, women and children who have reached puberty (around 13-16 years old) with no reported unsafe side effects.


An article written by Dr. Oz himself – backing up the hCG diet and all its benefits! click here

What Are The Good Sides Dieters Can Get From Following The hCG Losing Weight? click here to learn more!

The HCG Diet Actually Works! – Whole Health Chicago says it best

Bettabods hCG Diet

The Bettabods hCG Diet “Weight Loss for Life”

There are a number of reasons that contribute to being overweight, and none of them are particularly easy to conquer. For some it may be hereditary, while for others it could be caused by a stressful or sedentary lifestyle. If you find yourself either wanting or needing to lose weight, the Bettabods hCG diet is an effective alternative that delivers outstanding results. The hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) diet is a revolutionary weight loss plan that is able to provide rapid yet sustainable and safe weight loss effects.

The Bettabods hCG diet plan here combines a LCD (low calorie diet) and hCG injections or hCG drops. This minimally invasive diet reduces your food intake to 800 calories a day, which can result in the loss of up to ½ a kilogram per day. During the diet, your metabolism is reset, which paves the way for sustainable long-term weight loss.

The hCG hormone produced by women during pregnancy is linked to the natural suppression of one’s appetite. The unique effects of this diet plan decreases the sensation of hunger, depression, moodiness, as well as fatigue. The benefits of an hCG-hormone diet also extend past weight management.

About the Bettabods hCG Diet

The Bettabods Hormonal Slimming program is a modern take on the program which was originally developed by Dr. Simeons, who devoted much of his life to finding a cure for weight loss. In recent years there have been many adjustments to the original protocol. Currently Bettabods follows a protocol that was created by an endocrinologist in America who has experience in treating metabolic disorders.

This makes the Bettabods protocol one of the most successful slimming aids available on the market, although we prefer to refer to it as a “lifestyle shift” rather than a diet simply because at the end of the day that is what it amounts to. It teaches you to eat healthily, and how to re-introduce certain food groups into your diet once you have completed the first 2 phases of this easy to follow 4 phase protocol.

The main objective of the protocol is to raise Leptin levels in your system. Leptin is a hormone that is formed in your fat cells and controls your entire “fat-metabolism”. It is also responsible for the control of hunger and cravings. If your LEPTIN level is LOW your body tends to store food as fat and you don’t feel satisfied easily. With the use of daily injections or oral drops and following the specific diet protocol it causes your body to attack the abnormal fat deposits whilst leaving the structural fat and fat reserves in place to keep your body healthy. This process mobilizes the abnormal fat into the blood stream to be burned off as energy and puts anywhere from 1500 to 1800 calories in your system per day. This allows you to utilize a low calorie diet while still maintaining your strength and energy levels.

When a person who is overweight tries to lose weight by implementing a low calorie diet without the use of hCG, the dieter will first lose normal fat reserves followed by the burning of structural fat. Both of these two types of fat are essential in our bodies. Lastly the body finally starts to burn abnormal fat (bad fat). Once this happens, the dieter will begin to feel weak and hungry until the dieter finally gives up. Worst of all, if there are signs of weight loss, it is usually not in the desired areas (hips, belly, chin, arms, thighs and buttocks) the good fat is diminished and the bad fat stays.

With the use of hCG and our diet protocol, you can start burning abnormal fat immediately while leaving the structural fat reserves in place to keep your body healthy. Reports show an average loss of ½ kg per day. The most amazing part is seeing those inches melt away as the abnormal fat deposits begin to disappear. Clients report an improvement in complexion, a drop in high blood pressure, and even a reduction in wrinkles.

The protocol and eating plan is about more than just losing weight and looking good on the outside. It is about changing how our bodies feel on the inside, thereby avoiding or reversing the lifestyle diseases that will make you feel tired, age you and steal your health.

The Bettabods Protocol can be used by men, women and children who have reached puberty (around 13-16 years old) with no reported unsafe side effects.


An article written by Dr. Oz himself – backing up the hCG diet and all its benefits! click here

What Are The Good Sides Dieters Can Get From Following The hCG Losing Weight? click here to learn more!

The HCG Diet Actually Works! – Whole Health Chicago says it best

Why Bettabods Advocates the Use of Green Tea

Green tea is the healthiest beverage on the planet.

It is loaded with antioxidants and various substances that are beneficial for health.

Many studies have shown that green tea can increase fat burning and help you lose weight.

Let me explain how that works…

Young Female Drinking Green Tea

Green Tea Contains Substances That Can Help You Lose Fat

Green tea is more than just hot, flavored water.

The bioactive substances in the tea leaves dissolve in the water and make it into the final drink.

When you drink a cup of quality tea, you’re actually getting a large amount of beneficial substances with potent biological effects.

The best known of these is caffeine. A cup of green tea contains much less caffeine (24-40 mg) than a cup of coffee (100-200 mg), but still enough to have a mild effect.

Caffeine is a well known stimulant that has been shown to aid fat burning and improve exercise performance in numerous studies.

But where green tea really shines is in its massive range of antioxidants… being loaded with potent antioxidants called catechins.

The most important of these is EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate), a substance that can boost metabolism.

Keep in mind that these benefits can be derived both from drinking green tea as a beverage, as well as taking green tea extract as a supplement.

Green Tea Can Help Mobilize Fat From Fat Cells

In order to burn fat, it must first be broken down in the fat cell and moved into the bloodstream.

The active compounds in green tea can aid in this process by boosting the effects of some fat burning hormones.

The main antioxidant in tea, EGCG, can help inhibit an enzyme that breaks down the hormone norepinephrine.

When this enzyme is inhibited, the amount of norepinephrine increases.

This hormone is used by the nervous system as a signal to the fat cells, telling them to break down fat. Therefore, more norepinephrine leads to a stronger signal being sent to the fat cell and more fat gets broken down.

Caffeine and EGCG (both found naturally in green tea) may actually have a synergistic effect, because caffeine enhances another step in the same pathway.

The end result is that the fat cell breaks down more fat, which is released into the bloodstream and becomes available for use as energy by cells that need it, like muscle cells.

Green Tea Increases Fat Burning, Especially During Exercise

If you look at the label of almost every commercial weight loss and fat burning supplement, chances are that you will find some kind of tea there as an ingredient.

This is because green tea has been repeatedly shown to increase the burning of fat, especially during exercise.

In one study, men who took green tea extract and exercised burned 17% more fat than men who didn’t get the supplement. This study suggests that green tea can boost the fat burning effects of exercise.

Another study that went on for 8 weeks showed that green tea increased fat burning, both during exercise and during rest.

There are several studies that agree with this. Green tea selectively boosts the burning of fat, which may lead to reduced body fat in the long term.

Green Tea Can Boost the Metabolic Rate And Make You Burn More Calories Around The Clock

Green Tea in a Wooden Spoon

The human body is constantly burning calories.

Even when sleeping or sitting down, our cells are performing billions of functions that require energy.

Several studies suggest that green tea can make us burn more calories, even at rest.

In most studies, this amounts to about a 3-4% increase, although some studies show an increase as high as 8%.

For a person who burns 2000 calories per day, 3-4% amounts to an additional 60-80 calories per day, similar to what you might expect with a high protein diet.

Although most of the studies were very short in duration (1-3 days), there is also some evidence that the metabolism boosting effect persists in the long term.

In one study of 60 obese individuals, the group taking green tea extract lost 7.3 lbs (3.3 kg) and burned 183 more calories per day after 3 months.

However, keep in mind that not all studies show that green tea boosts metabolism. The effect may depend on the individual


Can Green Tea Make You Automatically Take In Fewer Calories?

Green Tea With Pot And Cups

One way that green tea could help with weight loss, is by reducing appetite.

This would make us take in fewer calories, automatically, without any effort.

Several studies have looked at the effects of green tea on appetite, but most showed conflicting results.

There are also animal studies suggesting that green tea can reduce the amount of fat we absorb from foods, but this has not been confirmed in humans.

Overall, it seems that green tea exerts its effects primarily by increasing “calories out”… it makes us burn more fat, but it doesn’t appear to have any noticeable effect on how much food we end up eating throughout the day.

Green Tea Can Help You Lose Fat, Especially The Harmful Abdominal Fat

When it comes to actual pounds losts, the effects of green tea are relatively modest.

Although there are numerous studies showing that people do in fact lose weight, there are also some studies showing no effect.

Two review studies that looked at many controlled trials found that people lost about 3 pounds (1.3-1.4 kg) on average.

However… it’s important to keep in mind that not all fat is the same.

We have subcutaneous fat that lodges under the skin, but then we also have visceral fat, which is the belly fat that builds up around the organs.

It is this deep visceral fat that is harmful. It causes inflammation and insulin resistance, both of which are strongly linked to all sorts of serious diseases, including type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Several studies on green tea show that although the weight loss effects are modest, a significant percentage of the fat lost is the harmful visceral fat.

This should translate to a reduced risk of many killer diseases down the line… which may lead to a longer and healthier life.

Take Home Message

Of course… let’s not forget that green tea goes way beyond just body weight. It is also extremely healthy for various other reasons.

Excerpt:  Authority Nutrition

hCG for men

Is HCG safe for men?

Yes! HCG is very safe for men!

Men are often uncomfortable with any sort of hormone therapy, which they tend to associate with sex or a deficiency in that department. This is echoed by Dr. Simeons, “It neither makes men grow breasts nor does it interfere with their virility, though where this was deficient it may improve it. It never makes women grow a beard or develop a gruff voice. I have stressed this point only for the sake of my lay readers, because, it is our daily experience that when patients hear the word hormone they immediately jump to the conclusion that this must have something to do with the sex- sphere.


What are the positive effects of hCG:

Besides the accelerated weight loss and body re-shaping, many patients report:

  • Better rest
  • Improvements in blood chemistry including lowered cholesterols, blood pressure and HBa1C, which typically remains low following the diet
  • Higher energy levels without a nervous or edgy feeling with increased clarity of mind
  • Helps prevent Thrombosis
  • Helps alleviate Migraines
  • Helps to relive arthritic pain
  • Helps increase your sex drive


What is Sublingual hCG?

Sublingual hCG comes in a liquid and is taken sublingually (under your tongue).

The Bettabods HCG sublingual drops are an affordable but effective alternative to the lypolytic injections of HCG, of which we supply both.


hCG and Testosterone:  Benefits of hCG for Men?

HCG And Testosterone: Benefits of hCG for Men:

The benefits of using hCG for men include boosting healthy levels of testosterone that are needed for all biological processes to ensure optimal health – even in women. Just a few of these processes include maintainance of weight, muscle mass, bone density, heart health, and sexual development

Although men need significantly higher levels to not only produce masculine features and deep voices, but also to support the ‘goings-on’ of things we can’t see happening that occur deep down inside. Correcting low testosterone levels with the use of hCG for men can bring on an incredible amount of positive benefits effects as follows:

Increase red blood cells
Support the cardiovascular system
Increases flow of blood and oxygen
Healthy body hair growth
Weight loss, reduction of fat mass
Increased energy levels, endurance, and performance
Increase in lean muscle mass and muscle strength
Reduced risks of obesity
Improved oxidation in the groin area
Increase in libido
Improved penile growth due to oxidation
Proper stimulation to continue boosted sexual desire
Proper stimulation to improve endurance and sexual performance
Reduced risks of erectile or other sexual dysfunctions
Increase in bone density
Reduced risks of arthritis-related conditions

Using Bettabods hCG for testosterone therapy will enable you to reap the rewards that allow you to feel like a man again. If it is increased energy you need to pound away at the gym, or more muscle to burn the fat off, improved overall health, or even better bedroom performance, the use of Bettabods hCG injections will more than do this job for you.

hCG Phase 2 Balsamic, chilli, tomato and red pepper soup

This is a great winter warmer ~ or starter ~ it is up to you.  I even eat it during summer for lunch, as just love the flavour in this recipe!


  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 2 t dried chilli flakes
  • 1 T rosemary leaves
  • 3 T coconut oil
  • 2 x 400 g cans Italian whole cherry tomatoes
  • 3 red peppers, roasted
  • 2 T balsamic vinegar


Fry the crushed garlic, dried chilli flakes and rosemary leaves in coconut oil in a saucepan for 2 minutes. Add 2 cans Italian whole cherry tomatoes, roasted red peppers and balsamic vinegar. Season and simmer for 10 minutes, then blend until smooth..

hCG Phase 2 Balsamic, chilli, tomato and red pepper soup

This is a great winter warmer ~ or starter ~ it is up to you.  I even eat it during summer for lunch, as just love the flavour in this recipe!


  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 2 t dried chilli flakes
  • 1 T rosemary leaves
  • 3 T coconut oil
  • 2 x 400 g cans Italian whole cherry tomatoes
  • 3 red peppers, roasted
  • 2 T balsamic vinegar


Fry the crushed garlic, dried chilli flakes and rosemary leaves in coconut oil in a saucepan for 2 minutes. Add 2 cans Italian whole cherry tomatoes, roasted red peppers and balsamic vinegar. Season and simmer for 10 minutes, then blend until smooth..

Is weight gain caused by “Slow Metabolism” #2

Can low calorie expenditure cause obesity?

Weight gain is caused by an imbalance of calories eaten and burned.

Calorie intake and expenditure depend, to a large extent, on your behavior.

  • Calorie intake: You can reduce calorie intake by eating less and choosing foods that are low in calories. However, for many people, this is difficult because of a lack of knowledge, low motivation, eating disorders or food addiction.
  • Calorie expenditure: You can burn more calories by using your muscles, exercising, gaining muscle and eating protein. For many people, this is difficult due to lack of motivation, a desk job or a physical disability.

Changing either calorie intake or expenditure can shift the balance, leading to either weight gain or loss over time.

For this reason, sedentary activities, lack of exercise and poor muscle mass are among the many factors contributing to weight gain and obesity.

However, calorie expenditure is affected by various factors and not completely adjustable. Most notably, it is determined by age, gender and genetics.

Bottom Line: Along with calorie intake, calorie expenditure strongly affects your body’s energy balance. Relative to calorie intake, low calorie expenditure leads to weight gain over time.