Bettabods hCG Diet tips

Bettabods have put together some tips that will assist you in being successful whilst on our Protocol.

Never get too hungry:

You make poor decisions when your judgment is compromised. Hunger is an urge that’s difficult to deny. When you’re famished, it’s hard to hold off until you can find healthy food. As a result, you end up eating anything that’s not nailed down, and then regret it. Planning your meals and snacks works wonders to head off the hunger that can do a number on your best intentions to eat right. Always eat healthy snacks, such as a hard-cooked egg, a Greek yogurt, or your portion of fruit<!–more–>

Be honest about your daily calorie allowance:

Everyone has a calorie budget, whether you’re trying to maintain your weight or lose those kilo’s that currently weigh you down. I’ve found that people ignore this simple fact. Your calorie budget allows you to build a healthy diet, and it helps prevent frustration about weight control.

When you are familiar with your calorie budget, then you can plan on how many servings of fruits, vegetables, carbs, low-fat dairy, and other protein sources to include every day.

The Bettabods Protocol spells it out for you and it is up to you to follow it and maintain it.

What to do prior to working out:

Although it is not necessary on the Bettabods Protocol to work out, if you are going to workout we recommend you take a “Sugar Free” protein shake prior to your work out.

High-intensity exercise may drive women to eat more, and moderate exercise may be the key to easier weight control.

Become a heavier drinker:

Water is essential for keeping the body hydrated and we’re actually more likely to retain “water weight” by not drinking enough of it rather than by having too much. The needs of each person will be different, but the general recommended daily amount is 6-8 glasses of water per day. It also takes up space in your stomach so you’ll feel fuller while taking in less calories.

Kick the salt habit:

Salt is a big contributor to weight gain and often a reason why the numbers on the scale aren’t going down.

We tend to consume twice the amount of salt that we should have each day, leading to weight gain, bloating, and the inability to lose stubborn kilo’s. Salt can also make you feel hungrier and thirstier, so check the nutrition labels for high sodium levels and choose fresh over packaged or restaurant foods. You’ll see a puffy face and belly go down quickly just by cutting back on your sodium intake and choosing more natural foods.

We recommend you use Himalayan Pink Salt when on the Bettabods Protocol.

Spice up your food:

Adding hot spices to your meals can help curb hunger, according to a study in the British Journal of Nutrition. Need another reason to add some heat? Scientists at the State University of New York at Buffalo found that capsaicin (a compound found in chilies) triggers your brain to release feel-good endorphins. A full belly and a good mood? Pass the hot sauce!

Plate your food away from where you are eating:

By keeping food within eyesight as you are eating, you may find yourself reaching for a second helping even if you really aren’t hungry. Place the food on the kitchen counter or stove, portion out a serving on your plate and then sit down at the table and eat. This way, if you want additional servings, you’ll have to get up, which helps you to be more mindful of what you are eating.

Keep a food record:

Keeping a food record is vital to losing weight and keeping it off long term. A study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that those who kept regular food records lost twice as much weight as those who didn’t. When keeping a food record, make sure to track what you ate, how much you ate, anything you added to the food (condiments, oils, etc.), and what you drank. Also tracking your mood and appetite can be helpful and insightful into learning about your eating patterns as well!

Take your time:

Rapid eaters are often heavier than slow eaters. It takes 20 minutes for your stomach to send a message to your brain that you have eaten enough and are satisfied. If you rush your meal and eat rapidly, your body won’t be tuned in to those feelings of fullness yet thus making it easier to overeat. Try slowing down by chewing each bite at least 10 times, putting your fork down in between bites i.e. try eating in relaxing environment rather than eating on the run.

Outsmart your hunger hormone:

Even the most focused dieter will struggle to be successful at weight loss if hunger takes over. Our bodies secrete a hormone called ghrelin, which controls hunger and drives our appetite. If we don’t understand, monitor, and control our ghrelin, we can forget about losing weight. Science tells us that the best way to control ghrelin is to eat small, balanced meals about every 3 hours or so. That’s because ghrelin will spike after about 3 to 4 hours of fasting, so eating with regularity helps keep this eating trigger at bay. Ghrelin will also spike if we’re deprived of carbs, so it’s important to give our bodies and brains the carb fuel they need. If you tend to skip meals, you’re inviting ghrelin to spike, which increases and makes you feel emotionally hungry. It makes you crave sugar and can derail even the healthiest eating routine.

Breathe away cravings if you get any:

As hCG takes away cravings, you shouldn’t have any, but if you find you do you have to breathe no matter what, right?  But few of us breathe deeply or consciously. Think about it: when was the last time you took a long, slow, deep breath, and slowly let it out again? Deep breaths of that kind take you out of your immersion in momentary stress, oxygenate your brain and tissues, and they help to reduce stress hormones.

Eat breakfast without fail:

Breakfast is indeed the most important meal of the day on our Protocol.  It is commonly known that you are likely to stay satisfied and eat less over the course of the day than those who skipped breakfast. If you’re feeling full-blown hunger before noon, there’s a chance you’re not eating enough in the morning. Shoot for a minimum of 200 calories and aim to get a serving of protein in so you’ll feel fuller longer.

Sleep away weight gain:

Make a point of turning in earlier and you’ll see even more weight loss within a week.

Bettabods hCG Diet tips

Bettabods have put together some diet tips that will assist you in being successful whilst on our Protocol.


Never get too hungry:
This is a primary diet tip:  You make poor decisions when your judgment is compromised. Hunger is an urge that’s difficult to deny. When you’re famished, it’s hard to hold off until you can find healthy food. As a result, you end up eating anything that’s not nailed down, and then regret it. Planning your meals and snacks works wonders to head off the hunger that can do a number on your best intentions to eat right. Always eat healthy snacks, such as a hard-boiled egg, a Greek yogurt, or your portion of fruit.
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Nectarine and tomato salad with baby cos lettuce

Nectarine and Tomato salad with baby cos lettuce:

Try this zesty salad to take some boredom out of your day Bettabods.


  • 2 ripe tomatoes
  • 1 head of baby cos lettuce
  • 3 ripe nectarines
  • 2 T red wine vinegar
  • 2 T coconut oil
  • micro mustard cress herbs
  • freshly ground black pepper, to taste

Cooking Instructions

Cut the tomatoes into quarters. Coarsely shred the baby cos lettuce and halve the nectarines.

Drizzle with red wine vinegar and coconut oil and arrange on a large platter.

Sprinkle over micro mustard cress herbs and season with a good crack of black pepper.


Remember making your meal times interesting stops boredom which means you are likely to continue being successful!

Nectarine and tomato salad with baby cos lettuce

Nectarine and Tomato salad with baby cos lettuce:

Try this zesty salad to take some boredom out of your day Bettabods.


  • 2 ripe tomatoes
  • 1 head of baby cos lettuce
  • 3 ripe nectarines
  • 2 T red wine vinegar
  • 2 T coconut oil
  • micro mustard cress herbs
  • freshly ground black pepper, to taste

Cooking Instructions

Cut the tomatoes into quarters. Coarsely shred the baby cos lettuce and halve the nectarines.

Drizzle with red wine vinegar and coconut oil and arrange on a large platter.

Sprinkle over micro mustard cress herbs and season with a good crack of black pepper.

hCG Phase 2 Nectarine and tomato salad with baby cos lettuce

Nectarine and Tomato salad with baby cos lettuce:

Try this zesty salad to take some boredom out of your day Bettabods.


  • 2 ripe tomatoes
  • 1 head of baby cos lettuce
  • 3 ripe nectarines
  • 2 T red wine vinegar
  • 2 T coconut oil
  • micro mustard cress herbs
  • freshly ground black pepper, to taste

Cooking Instructions

Cut the tomatoes into quarters. Coarsely shred the baby cos lettuce and halve the nectarines.

Drizzle with red wine vinegar and coconut oil and arrange on a large platter.

Sprinkle over micro mustard cress herbs and season with a good crack of black pepper.


Remember making your meal times interesting stops boredom which means you are likely to continue being successful!

You Want To Lose Weight. Where Do you Start?

You Want To Lose Weight. Where Do you Start?
Losing weight takes more than desire. It takes commitment and a well-thought-out plan. Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting started.
Step 1: Make a commitment.
Making the decision to lose weight, change your lifestyle, and become healthier is a big step to take. Start simply by making a commitment to yourself. Diarise things like the amount of weight you want to lose, the date you’d like to lose the weight by, the dietary changes you’ll make to establish healthy eating habits,and any other plans you may have for yourself for the year.
Writing down the reasons why you want to lose weight can also help. It might be because you have a family history of heart disease, or because you want to see your kids get married, or simply because you want to feel better in your clothes.
Step 2: Take stock of where you are.
Consider talking to a health care provider. He or she can evaluate your weight, and explore which programme and product will suit you.
Keep a “food diary” for a few days, in which you write down everything you eat. By doing this, you become more aware of what you are eating and when you are eating. This awareness can help you avoid mindless eating.
Next, examine your current lifestyle. Identify things that might pose challenges to your weight loss efforts. For example, does your work or travel schedule make it difficult to get enough physical activity? Do you find yourself eating sugary foods because that’s what you buy for your kids? Do your coworkers frequently bring high-calorie items, such as doughnuts, to the workplace to share with everyone? Think through things you can do to help overcome these challenges.
Step 3: Set realistic goals.
Set some short-term goals and reward your efforts along the way. If your long-term goal is to lose 20 kg’s eating a healthy breakfast might be a good start or having a salad or vegetable with supper.
Focus on two or three goals at a time. Great, effective goals are:
Forgiving (less than perfect)
For example, “Exercise More” is not a specific goal. Remember, small changes every day can lead to big results in the long run. Also remember that realistic goals are achievable goals. By achieving your short-term goals day-by-day, you’ll feel good about your progress and be motivated to continue. Setting unrealistic goals, such as losing 10 kgs in 2 weeks, can leave you feeling defeated and frustrated.
Being realistic also means expecting occasional setbacks. Setbacks happen when you get away from your plan for whatever reason – maybe the holidays, longer work hours, or another life change. When setbacks happen, get back on track as quickly as possible. Also take some time to think about what you would do differently if a similar situation happens, to prevent setbacks.
Keep in mind everyone is different – what works for someone else might not be right for you. Just because your neighbor lost weight by taking up running, doesn’t mean running is the best option for you.
Step 4: Identify resources for information and support.
Find a programme that will support your weight loss efforts. Making lifestyle changes can feel easier when you have others you can talk to and rely on for support.
Step 5: Continually “check in” with yourself to monitor your progress.
Revisit the goals you set for yourself and evaluate your progress regularly. Evaluate which parts of your plan are working well and which ones need tweaking. Then rewrite your goals and plan accordingly.
If you are consistently achieving a particular goal, add a new goal to help you continue on your pathway to success.
Reward yourself for your successes! Recognize when you’re meeting your goals and be proud of your progress. Use non-food rewards, such as a bouquet of freshly picked flowers, an outing with friends, or a relaxing bath. Rewards help keep you motivated on the path to better health.
‎Bettabods‬ is here to assist you set your goals and help you to achieve them with daily motivation, a great eating plan etc.

You Want To Lose Weight. Where Do you Start?

You Want To Lose Weight. Where Do you Start?

Losing weight takes more than desire. It takes commitment and a well-thought-out plan. Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting started.

Step 1: Make a commitment.
Making the decision to lose weight, change your lifestyle, and become healthier is a big step to take. Start simply by making a commitment to yourself. Diarise things like the amount of weight you want to lose, the date you’d like to lose the weight by, the dietary changes you’ll make to establish healthy eating habits,and any other plans you may have for yourself for the year.
Writing down the reasons why you want to lose weight can also help. It might be because you have a family history of heart disease, or because you want to see your kids get married, or simply because you want to feel better in your clothes.

Step 2: Take stock of where you are.
Consider talking to a health care provider. He or she can evaluate your weight, and explore which programme and product will suit you.
Keep a “food diary” for a few days, in which you write down everything you eat. By doing this, you become more aware of what you are eating and when you are eating. This awareness can help you avoid mindless eating.
Next, examine your current lifestyle. Identify things that might pose challenges to your weight loss efforts. For example, does your work or travel schedule make it difficult to get enough physical activity? Do you find yourself eating sugary foods because that’s what you buy for your kids? Do your coworkers frequently bring high-calorie items, such as doughnuts, to the workplace to share with everyone? Think through things you can do to help overcome these challenges.

Step 3: Set realistic goals.
Set some short-term goals and reward your efforts along the way. If your long-term goal is to lose 20 kg’s eating a healthy breakfast might be a good start or having a salad or vegetable with supper.
Focus on two or three goals at a time. Great, effective goals are:
Forgiving (less than perfect)
For example, “Exercise More” is not a specific goal. Remember, small changes every day can lead to big results in the long run. Also remember that realistic goals are achievable goals. By achieving your short-term goals day-by-day, you’ll feel good about your progress and be motivated to continue. Setting unrealistic goals, such as losing 10 kgs in 2 weeks, can leave you feeling defeated and frustrated.
Being realistic also means expecting occasional setbacks. Setbacks happen when you get away from your plan for whatever reason – maybe the holidays, longer work hours, or another life change. When setbacks happen, get back on track as quickly as possible. Also take some time to think about what you would do differently if a similar situation happens, to prevent setbacks.
Keep in mind everyone is different – what works for someone else might not be right for you. Just because your neighbor lost weight by taking up running, doesn’t mean running is the best option for you.
Step 4: Identify resources for information and support.
Find a programme that will support your weight loss efforts. Making lifestyle changes can feel easier when you have others you can talk to and rely on for support.
Step 5: Continually “check in” with yourself to monitor your progress.
Revisit the goals you set for yourself and evaluate your progress regularly. Evaluate which parts of your plan are working well and which ones need tweaking. Then rewrite your goals and plan accordingly.
If you are consistently achieving a particular goal, add a new goal to help you continue on your pathway to success. 

Reward yourself for your successes! Recognize when you’re meeting your goals and be proud of your progress. Use non-food rewards, such as a bouquet of freshly picked flowers, an outing with friends, or a relaxing bath. Rewards help keep you motivated on the path to better health.

Bettabods‬ is here to assist you set your goals and help you to achieve them with daily motivation, a great eating plan etc.

You Want To Lose Weight. Where Do you Start?

You Want To Lose Weight. Where Do you Start?
Losing weight takes more than desire. It takes commitment and a well-thought-out plan. Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting started.
Step 1: Make a commitment.
Making the decision to lose weight, change your lifestyle, and become healthier is a big step to take. Start simply by making a commitment to yourself. Diarise things like the amount of weight you want to lose, the date you’d like to lose the weight by, the dietary changes you’ll make to establish healthy eating habits,and any other plans you may have for yourself for the year.
Writing down the reasons why you want to lose weight can also help. It might be because you have a family history of heart disease, or because you want to see your kids get married, or simply because you want to feel better in your clothes.
Step 2: Take stock of where you are.
Consider talking to a health care provider. He or she can evaluate your weight, and explore which programme and product will suit you.
Keep a “food diary” for a few days, in which you write down everything you eat. By doing this, you become more aware of what you are eating and when you are eating. This awareness can help you avoid mindless eating.
Next, examine your current lifestyle. Identify things that might pose challenges to your weight loss efforts. For example, does your work or travel schedule make it difficult to get enough physical activity? Do you find yourself eating sugary foods because that’s what you buy for your kids? Do your coworkers frequently bring high-calorie items, such as doughnuts, to the workplace to share with everyone? Think through things you can do to help overcome these challenges.
Step 3: Set realistic goals.
Set some short-term goals and reward your efforts along the way. If your long-term goal is to lose 20 kg’s eating a healthy breakfast might be a good start or having a salad or vegetable with supper.
Focus on two or three goals at a time. Great, effective goals are:
Forgiving (less than perfect)
For example, “Exercise More” is not a specific goal. Remember, small changes every day can lead to big results in the long run. Also remember that realistic goals are achievable goals. By achieving your short-term goals day-by-day, you’ll feel good about your progress and be motivated to continue. Setting unrealistic goals, such as losing 10 kgs in 2 weeks, can leave you feeling defeated and frustrated.
Being realistic also means expecting occasional setbacks. Setbacks happen when you get away from your plan for whatever reason – maybe the holidays, longer work hours, or another life change. When setbacks happen, get back on track as quickly as possible. Also take some time to think about what you would do differently if a similar situation happens, to prevent setbacks.
Keep in mind everyone is different – what works for someone else might not be right for you. Just because your neighbor lost weight by taking up running, doesn’t mean running is the best option for you.
Step 4: Identify resources for information and support.
Find a programme that will support your weight loss efforts. Making lifestyle changes can feel easier when you have others you can talk to and rely on for support.
Step 5: Continually “check in” with yourself to monitor your progress.
Revisit the goals you set for yourself and evaluate your progress regularly. Evaluate which parts of your plan are working well and which ones need tweaking. Then rewrite your goals and plan accordingly.
If you are consistently achieving a particular goal, add a new goal to help you continue on your pathway to success.
Reward yourself for your successes! Recognize when you’re meeting your goals and be proud of your progress. Use non-food rewards, such as a bouquet of freshly picked flowers, an outing with friends, or a relaxing bath. Rewards help keep you motivated on the path to better health.
‎Bettabods‬ is here to assist you set your goals and help you to achieve them with daily motivation, a great eating plan etc.

You Want To Lose Weight. Where Do you Start?

You Want To Lose Weight. Where Do you Start?
Losing weight takes more than desire. It takes commitment and a well-thought-out plan. Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting started.
Step 1: Make a commitment.
Making the decision to lose weight, change your lifestyle, and become healthier is a big step to take. Start simply by making a commitment to yourself. Diarise things like the amount of weight you want to lose, the date you’d like to lose the weight by, the dietary changes you’ll make to establish healthy eating habits,and any other plans you may have for yourself for the year.
Writing down the reasons why you want to lose weight can also help. It might be because you have a family history of heart disease, or because you want to see your kids get married, or simply because you want to feel better in your clothes.
Step 2: Take stock of where you are.
Consider talking to a health care provider. He or she can evaluate your weight, and explore which programme and product will suit you.
Keep a “food diary” for a few days, in which you write down everything you eat. By doing this, you become more aware of what you are eating and when you are eating. This awareness can help you avoid mindless eating.
Next, examine your current lifestyle. Identify things that might pose challenges to your weight loss efforts. For example, does your work or travel schedule make it difficult to get enough physical activity? Do you find yourself eating sugary foods because that’s what you buy for your kids? Do your coworkers frequently bring high-calorie items, such as doughnuts, to the workplace to share with everyone? Think through things you can do to help overcome these challenges.
Step 3: Set realistic goals.
Set some short-term goals and reward your efforts along the way. If your long-term goal is to lose 20 kg’s eating a healthy breakfast might be a good start or having a salad or vegetable with supper.
Focus on two or three goals at a time. Great, effective goals are:
Forgiving (less than perfect)
For example, “Exercise More” is not a specific goal. Remember, small changes every day can lead to big results in the long run. Also remember that realistic goals are achievable goals. By achieving your short-term goals day-by-day, you’ll feel good about your progress and be motivated to continue. Setting unrealistic goals, such as losing 10 kgs in 2 weeks, can leave you feeling defeated and frustrated.
Being realistic also means expecting occasional setbacks. Setbacks happen when you get away from your plan for whatever reason – maybe the holidays, longer work hours, or another life change. When setbacks happen, get back on track as quickly as possible. Also take some time to think about what you would do differently if a similar situation happens, to prevent setbacks.
Keep in mind everyone is different – what works for someone else might not be right for you. Just because your neighbor lost weight by taking up running, doesn’t mean running is the best option for you.
Step 4: Identify resources for information and support.
Find a programme that will support your weight loss efforts. Making lifestyle changes can feel easier when you have others you can talk to and rely on for support.
Step 5: Continually “check in” with yourself to monitor your progress.
Revisit the goals you set for yourself and evaluate your progress regularly. Evaluate which parts of your plan are working well and which ones need tweaking. Then rewrite your goals and plan accordingly.
If you are consistently achieving a particular goal, add a new goal to help you continue on your pathway to success.
Reward yourself for your successes! Recognize when you’re meeting your goals and be proud of your progress. Use non-food rewards, such as a bouquet of freshly picked flowers, an outing with friends, or a relaxing bath. Rewards help keep you motivated on the path to better health.
‎Bettabods‬ is here to assist you set your goals and help you to achieve them with daily motivation, a great eating plan etc.

Why Bettabods Advocates the Use of Green Tea

Green tea is the healthiest beverage on the planet.

It is loaded with antioxidants and various substances that are beneficial for health.

Many studies have shown that green tea can increase fat burning and help you lose weight.

Let me explain how that works…

Young Female Drinking Green Tea

Green Tea Contains Substances That Can Help You Lose Fat

Green tea is more than just hot, flavored water.

The bioactive substances in the tea leaves dissolve in the water and make it into the final drink.

When you drink a cup of quality tea, you’re actually getting a large amount of beneficial substances with potent biological effects.

The best known of these is caffeine. A cup of green tea contains much less caffeine (24-40 mg) than a cup of coffee (100-200 mg), but still enough to have a mild effect.

Caffeine is a well known stimulant that has been shown to aid fat burning and improve exercise performance in numerous studies.

But where green tea really shines is in its massive range of antioxidants… being loaded with potent antioxidants called catechins.

The most important of these is EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate), a substance that can boost metabolism.

Keep in mind that these benefits can be derived both from drinking green tea as a beverage, as well as taking green tea extract as a supplement.

Green Tea Can Help Mobilize Fat From Fat Cells

In order to burn fat, it must first be broken down in the fat cell and moved into the bloodstream.

The active compounds in green tea can aid in this process by boosting the effects of some fat burning hormones.

The main antioxidant in tea, EGCG, can help inhibit an enzyme that breaks down the hormone norepinephrine.

When this enzyme is inhibited, the amount of norepinephrine increases.

This hormone is used by the nervous system as a signal to the fat cells, telling them to break down fat. Therefore, more norepinephrine leads to a stronger signal being sent to the fat cell and more fat gets broken down.

Caffeine and EGCG (both found naturally in green tea) may actually have a synergistic effect, because caffeine enhances another step in the same pathway.

The end result is that the fat cell breaks down more fat, which is released into the bloodstream and becomes available for use as energy by cells that need it, like muscle cells.

Green Tea Increases Fat Burning, Especially During Exercise

If you look at the label of almost every commercial weight loss and fat burning supplement, chances are that you will find some kind of tea there as an ingredient.

This is because green tea has been repeatedly shown to increase the burning of fat, especially during exercise.

In one study, men who took green tea extract and exercised burned 17% more fat than men who didn’t get the supplement. This study suggests that green tea can boost the fat burning effects of exercise.

Another study that went on for 8 weeks showed that green tea increased fat burning, both during exercise and during rest.

There are several studies that agree with this. Green tea selectively boosts the burning of fat, which may lead to reduced body fat in the long term.

Green Tea Can Boost the Metabolic Rate And Make You Burn More Calories Around The Clock

Green Tea in a Wooden Spoon

The human body is constantly burning calories.

Even when sleeping or sitting down, our cells are performing billions of functions that require energy.

Several studies suggest that green tea can make us burn more calories, even at rest.

In most studies, this amounts to about a 3-4% increase, although some studies show an increase as high as 8%.

For a person who burns 2000 calories per day, 3-4% amounts to an additional 60-80 calories per day, similar to what you might expect with a high protein diet.

Although most of the studies were very short in duration (1-3 days), there is also some evidence that the metabolism boosting effect persists in the long term.

In one study of 60 obese individuals, the group taking green tea extract lost 7.3 lbs (3.3 kg) and burned 183 more calories per day after 3 months.

However, keep in mind that not all studies show that green tea boosts metabolism. The effect may depend on the individual


Can Green Tea Make You Automatically Take In Fewer Calories?

Green Tea With Pot And Cups

One way that green tea could help with weight loss, is by reducing appetite.

This would make us take in fewer calories, automatically, without any effort.

Several studies have looked at the effects of green tea on appetite, but most showed conflicting results.

There are also animal studies suggesting that green tea can reduce the amount of fat we absorb from foods, but this has not been confirmed in humans.

Overall, it seems that green tea exerts its effects primarily by increasing “calories out”… it makes us burn more fat, but it doesn’t appear to have any noticeable effect on how much food we end up eating throughout the day.

Green Tea Can Help You Lose Fat, Especially The Harmful Abdominal Fat

When it comes to actual pounds losts, the effects of green tea are relatively modest.

Although there are numerous studies showing that people do in fact lose weight, there are also some studies showing no effect.

Two review studies that looked at many controlled trials found that people lost about 3 pounds (1.3-1.4 kg) on average.

However… it’s important to keep in mind that not all fat is the same.

We have subcutaneous fat that lodges under the skin, but then we also have visceral fat, which is the belly fat that builds up around the organs.

It is this deep visceral fat that is harmful. It causes inflammation and insulin resistance, both of which are strongly linked to all sorts of serious diseases, including type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Several studies on green tea show that although the weight loss effects are modest, a significant percentage of the fat lost is the harmful visceral fat.

This should translate to a reduced risk of many killer diseases down the line… which may lead to a longer and healthier life.

Take Home Message

Of course… let’s not forget that green tea goes way beyond just body weight. It is also extremely healthy for various other reasons.

Excerpt:  Authority Nutrition